
commercial security - hotels

Ensuring a five-star experience for hotel guests starts with the important task of providing a safe and secure environment for guests, staff, and hotel assets. Our comprehensive security installation services for hotels are designed to address the specific needs of these hospitality environments.

Our services include

Hotel Security Systems Installation: We strategically install hotel security systems, including CCTV cameras, access control systems, and alarm systems, to monitor guest activity, deter theft, and enhance overall security.

Access Control Systems: Our access control systems are tailored for hotels, managing entry to guest rooms, staff access, and restricted areas. By implementing customized access levels and permissions, we enhance security and prevent unauthorized entry.

Integration of Fire Alarm and Emergency Systems: We integrate fire alarm systems, emergency notification systems, and panic buttons for quick response to emergencies. These systems ensure guest safety and facilitate prompt action in case of fire or other emergencies.

Video Intercom Systems: Our video intercom systems allow for seamless communication between guests and staff, as well as visitor verification for enhanced security. Guests can communicate with front desk personnel or verify the identity of visitors before granting access to their rooms.

How we can help

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive hotel security solutions that prioritize guest safety and enhance the overall guest experience. Contact us today to learn more about our hotel security services and how we can customize our solutions to meet your specific security needs. Trust us to deliver top-notch security solutions that create a safe and secure environment for your hotel guests and staff!

Keep an eye on your hotel in Newcastle today…

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